Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Screw Calories....and I love coffee!

Well i have been so busy these past few days, getting ready for vacation :) I know I said that I'm starting a healthy lifestyle.. but its just so freaking hard.. it's like going cold turkey... getting away from all the junk food that I'm used to eating. Have I ever told you that I absolutely love red bull and coffee.. I mean I'm not obsessed about it but just I like it :p

I had All-Bran Complete Wheat Cereal with milk, blueberries and little slices of green apples.

I had Dunkin Donuts kreme donut and lite iced coffee.

McDonalds Ceasar chicken salad and iced coffee..I know I'm bad ://

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Eating out..

Today I had All-Bran Complete Wheat Flakes with milk. It sucks I ran out of the Go Lean cereal:/ To kill my lonely blues I added some creative ain't it?haha I promise I will get better :))
My mother, brother and I spent the whole day doing a whole lot of things.. so much stuff to take care of before we leave.. but yea.. we stopped by Gino's Cafe to get something to snack on.. we ended up ordering whole meals and when I say there was a lot of food.. I actually mean there was A LOT OF FOOD! I didn't even get to finish my plate..I was so full from the ceasar chicken salad: our
Also I had some grilled veggies :p my fav..
For the main course I had chicken shish kebab with mashed potatoes. They gave me like a quarter of the plate of onions after I specifically asked them not to...I HATE ONIONS!! the only time I force myself to eat them is when i'm so sick that my mom gives me the option of either eating onions to kill germs or w.e. or go to the hospital.. lol.. so yea I see onions as medicine.. and I hate medicine..:)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Can't Wait!

I'm soo hyped up about going on vacation to Dominican Republic in like 5 days..that I don't even have time to eat normally.. I just have so much to take care of before I leave:P
But yea... my breakfast..

I had GoLean High Protein and High Fiber Cereal with milk, slices of banana, blueberries, raspberries and gooseberries again.. I mean it's good and tasty so why not:p) I will get more creative along the way I promise :)))

I had some Sushi :p and Miso Soup..hehe... i had sweet potato roll, califronia, philadelphia, shrimp tempura, botson, alaskan..a little bit of each being that I had to share with my family..:))

No time to eat...08.10.08

Well I didn't have much time to eat today so all I had was Breakfast and some snacks during the day..Snacks included string cheese, crackers, tea and a salad..


I had GoLean High Protein and High Fiber Cereal with milk, raspberries, s
lices of banana, blueberries and gooseberries. I was pretty full after:)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

No time for Lunch..

Today my breakfast was just lovely! I had GoLean High Protein and High Fiber Cereal with milk, slices of banana, blueberries and raspberries. I must repeat myself... It was veryy YUMMY!! I actually heard about this cereal from my aunt..she apparently enjoys it almost every morning so I decided to give it a try and also she claims that it's healthy for you.. so It's a win win :)))

P.S. PROTEIN: 13 g. FIBER: 10 g. LOW FAT: 1 g.

My lunch wasn't so great today, I just didn't have time for it. I just made myself a snack that ended up to be All-Bran Complete Wheat Flakes with blueberries, raspberries and a peach on the side. Yea, it was some what similar to my breakfast but hey! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why not repeat it a couple of times:P

Well for dinner I had a well known Ukrainian dish " Holodnii Borsch" (Cold Borsch) lol.. It's very healthy as in it's made up of fresh vegetables, bologna, eggs, beets and cold kefir... so it stays true to it's should only be served cold.. that's why my mom always makes in mostly during the summer. This dish is usually served with hot cooked potatoes for a hot/cold effect.. yea so it was delicious..

And within about 20 minutes I had enough room in my stomach for a salad.. the regular spring mix, tomatoes, cucumbers and mini sweet peppers. Of course I took a picture of the whole salad bowl... well its family sized so I actually ate 1/4 of that .heh

P.S. I'm still deciding on desert:p

Friday, August 8, 2008

Trying to keep up..

I had the All-Bran Complete Wheat Flakes again with milk but this time with some berry jam/jelly...and of course a kiwi again.. i really have to go do some grocery shopping..need more fruits and veggies..:p
Well to stay true to this posts label "lunch on the go"... I didn't really have any time to sit down and eat because I was driving around with my mother and had a lot of things to take care of. So I ended up eating as we drove and the food on the go ended up to be a subway sandwich, Lays Classic chips and some acai-blueberry-pomegranate flavored vitamin water. My foot long sandwich was pretty simple: Italian Herbs & Cheese Bread, melted American cheese, turkey, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, a little bit of mayo and extra vinegar. It was yummy I must say but i ended up giving half of it to my mom...heh.. yea sharing is caring :p

I was tired and lazy to make any grand dinner plans so I just had to go with my best options. So I ended up frying eggs and some Bologna with sweet mini peppers. I only a
te crumbs from the bread being that I only used it for the egg yolks

For desert I had a slice of mango marble cake/pie and drank sweetened carrot was a weird combination but it tasted pretty good:))
P.S. Doesn't the sweet pepper in the picture below look like one of those peppers in the "Chillys" commercials? I think I see the resemblance..except this one is yellow and the one in the commercial is red..lmao..:P

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Healthy Life Style..Here I Come! :-p

I woke up pretty late today, so my breakfast was fast and easy. Honestly I don't usually eat breakfast, I either don't have the time or I'm just not hungry. But since I have decided to have a healthy lifestyle I've made room in my busy schedule for the "most important meal of the day". I had All-Bran Complete Wheat Flakes with milk, topped with three slices of a Golden Label apple and two kiwis. It was as good as I expected it to be :p

So for lunch I had a small sandwich, a yummy salad and I drank it all down with fruit punch flavored Vitamin Water. I took Lithuanian Rye Bread and put some tomatoes and two slices of Hungarian Style Salami and that was my sandwich basically:). My salad had some thinly cut vine sweet mini peppers and poivrons, 5 slices of cucumbers and 3 of tomatoes. I also added some of the Earthbound Farm Organic Spring Mix and croûtons. It was delicious n nutritious :p hehe

Well by the time dinner came around I was pretty hungry so i cooked macaroni and added some Ragu sauce and Parmesan cheese for flavor. It's actually one of my many favorite meals :p what can I say it's easy to make and it's gooooddd:)).

For desert I ate about 5 Madeleine cookies and drank a cup of tea with maple syrup. I'm very proud of myself, I haven't had any candy or chocolate or any kind of sweets today. I'm one of those people who have a sweet tooth almost all the time so for me to sacrifice all that ..really shows a lot about how determined I am to change my life around lately..hehe
P.S. I did some snacking after lunch and before dinner like string cheese and carrots with ranch sauce :p Well..I guess I'm out for the more eating for me till morning. Nite Nite..